
Results of our partnership with En+ Group

Today we will discuss the results of our partnership with En+ Group in 2020.

Through our joint initiative, a lot of work needs to be done to improve one of the most popular hiking trails in the Baikal region, from the village of Listvyanka to Bolshoye Goloustnoe in Pribaikalsy National Park.

Every year more than 20,000 people use the trail. With such high traffic, the trial requires special attention, especially with regard to the safety and comfort of tourists.

Work on the project began in May and was completed by mid-October. Navigation columns and reflective trail markers were installed every three kilometers along the 54-kilometer section of trail.

The trail features signs with information about the history, geography, and other aspects of the
area. On a rocky section of trail, a maintenance crew built a special structure to strengthen the trail and keep the slope from eroding.

The most popular results of the project were new picnic areas at Cape of Sables (Mys Sobolyov) and Pad “Emelyanikha.”

We are glad that, thanks to our partnership with En+ Group, were we able to fulfill so much of our massive project and create a unified recreation system that is easy to access and comfortable to navigate.

Thank you, En+ Group, for such important and necessary collaborative work. We hope our collaboration will be just as fruitful in the future!
2020-12-10 12:00