
GBT in Kostroma

From September 23 to 25, 2019, with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund, the courses of transferring the experience of the Great Baikal Trail “Initial Training of Specialists in the Construction and Reconstruction of Trails and Working with Volunteers” to Kostroma were held. We thank the Kostroma branch of the Russian Geographical Society for the invitation and organization of the courses, and we also thank the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Kostroma Region for the assembly hall for the event. Participants in the training were specialists from museums and nature reserves, department employees, city activists from the organization “In the Name of Life”, teachers and students of Kostroma State University. The course program contained blocks on the preparation and conduct of volunteer projects for the construction and reconstruction of paths, on the specifics of conducting stationary and transit projects, the organization of a field camp and meals on the project, types of paths and classification of structures, according to the goals and objectives of building paths, the main stages of construction, on the necessary psychological and leadership training of the foreman, on safety when working with tools, as well as the practice of handling GPS and a clinometer. An additional bonus to the program was the practical part on the interpretation of the space: after the presentation of the approach, the participants, together with the GBT specialists, left for the territory of the future Zavolzhye park and carried out work on analysis and planning of the future arrangement. Data was collected, analyzed and transmitted to course participants. Exploring the park, GBT representatives were lucky to take part in planting trees from the Romanovsky Nursery! It was nice to get a number certificate, now the Baikal cedar and two larch trees Angara and Siberia are growing in the park. We hope that the GBT experience will be extremely useful in the arrangement of the Susaninsky trail and in the creation of the Zavolzhye landscape park, which will be located within the city. At the end of all three days of training, participants who attended the courses for all three days were awarded certificates. As well as representatives of the host parties and other organizations, several BBT manuals were presented. We thank the host country, the Kostroma branch of the Russian Geographical Society, for the opportunity to visit the moose farm, Susaninsky swamp and walk along the Susaninsky trail, visit the Kostroma architectural-ethnographic and landscape museum-reserve "Kostroma Sloboda" and the museum of nature. The BBT experience is transferred to the regions using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
2019-09-27 20:51 Education