
The project "Giants of the Siberian taiga - 2" is completed

On July 28, the three-day BBT project “Giants of the Siberian Taiga-2” on the Olkhinsky Plateau of the Irkutsk Region was completed. Despite the rainy forecast, our volunteers still gathered for the project, for which many thanks to them! Geography of participants: Irkutsk, Angarsk, Gusinoozersk, Astrakhan, Moscow, St. Petersburg, USA. The rain really interfered with the work, a small part of the things and the tents were wet, they had to hang out to dry under a canopy in the dining room, in which the camp staff sheltered the BBT group. From the good: the guys managed to walk along the path to the picturesque rock Idol, despite the rain and the rivers that spilled. We managed to work a little. From the results: We cleared 140 meters of the trail leading to the Vityaz camp site 2 logs were prepared for the future construction of the gateway Conducted reconnaissance and clearing from the camp site to the bridge on Idol, removed the fallen tree We listened to a bonfire master class We cleaned the stove in the kitchen and the stove in the houses. We thank the administration of the camp "Vityaz" and personally the administrator Lily for their help and hospitality! And many thanks to our team of volunteers who, despite the rainy weather and the late train, did not lose their presence of spirit and optimism! We wish the group of the project "Giants of the Siberian taiga - 3" sunny and dry weather! This volunteer camp was held as part of the project “We Preserve Nature, Working for People,” which is being implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
2019-07-30 17:14 Projects