
“Our heritage is Baikal”

On September 5, President of the BBT Association Elena Chubakova took part in the round table “Our Heritage - Baikal”. The event was organized by the “Give the planet life!” Charity fund and the Resource Center for the Support of Non-Profit Organizations in the Irkutsk Region. The meeting took place in the Library. Molchanov-Sibirsky as part of the ecological marathon-fest "Minute for the Future", which took place in the city from September 1 to 7. The meeting was attended by non-profit organizations with many years of experience in the field of ecology, representatives of relevant government agencies, as well as invited guests: Marco Arturo Messina - # UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, director, military photographer, composer, producer and writer; Tatyana Lazareva - Russian TV presenter, singer, member of the board of trustees of the Creation charity foundation. Ecologically, organizations spoke about their activities, together with the guests discussed options for cooperation with creative people, world famous celebrities and the public to draw attention to the environmental problems of Lake Baikal. Also, representatives of the Irkutsk # NGOs decided to get together for a brainstorming session to develop concrete proposals for these purposes. We thank our colleagues and partners from the “Give the planet life!” Fund and Natalia Eremeeva for this invitation!
2019-09-09 20:15 Education