
The project "In the wilds of Hamar-Daban-2" has ended

Our brave conquerors of the Hamar-Daban jungle are back! So, what was interesting about the project "In the wilds of Hamar-Daban - 2"? .. The start of the project was fun. 5 days, the volunteers were dominated by adverse weather conditions. But this did not stop working productively and for the remaining time the project managed to do: clearing the corridor of the trail, 4 structures, namely 2 stairs and 2 tornpike for draining water flowing down the slope and installing information stands for tourists. All this was carried out on the path leading to the waterfall on the Osinovka River along the route "Into the Wilds of Hamar-Daban". In general, all the work was on a difficult site, I had to work hard. The volunteer team consisted of almost only girls who worked without fear and reproach. You are our heroes! All the guys enjoyed the Baikal clean air, tasted the local forest sweets, bought not only in Baikal, but also in the mountain river. The volunteer camp was held as part of the project “We Preserve Nature, Working for People,” which is being implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund
2019-08-08 17:29 Projects