
"With a backpack along the trail" in Tankhoy

August 11 in the village of Tankhoi, Republic of Buryatia, a new lesson was held as part of the children's educational project "With a backpack on the trail." The leading girls were not afraid of the long road, and the guys with whom they met were satisfied and cheerful after an hour of cognitive walk. By the way, most of the children who participated in the lesson came to replace the Baikal International School in Tankhoy, where now they, under the guidance of scientists and experts, increase their level of environmental competence, expand and deepen environmental and local history knowledge, assess abilities and qualities in choosing a profession from the spectrum biological, environmental, engineering areas. My guys and I managed to walk with backpacks along the Cedar Alley flat trail in the Baikal Reserve. The cedar forest met us with its rich flora and fauna, an abundance of colors, sounds and smells ... The guys turned out to be very attentive and could name a lot of natural objects found in the path NOT green, and after that they looked with enthusiasm at the magnifying glass of fluffy caterpillars and pine needles, watched through binoculars for the life of the High Marsh and behind the fog in the mountains of Khamar-Daban, they were looking for the return trip, focusing on the compass. And also we played fascinating games "Bear-Perch-Komarik" and "Its tree". Unfortunately, at the end of the lesson it started to rain, which subsequently turned into a heavy downpour, soaked our backpacks and drove us off the trail. However, there is positive in everything - the children were delighted with such a shower - well, when will they still be able to run like this in the rain? .. The project has invariably been supported by the Lake Baikal Foundation. Thank you partners!
2019-08-08 17:41 Education