
2019 Project Completion Figures

Finally, all reports have been made, and BBT are happy to present the FIGURES this year! 437 volunteers came to build and repair the trails on Lake Baikal and help the protected areas, of which 358 are Russians and 79 are international volunteers. We start from the pores of winter Baikal and the season of crystal Baikal ice! 2 projects in February and March took place in Tankhoy and on Olkhon Island. Siberia showed itself to volunteers in all its glory, but despite the severe frosts, this is what the brave team managed to achieve: • snow removal was performed on a wooden path and in the territory of the visit center of the Baikal Reserve; • 1 lesson for students on the topic “Eco-professions” was developed; • 2 lessons were held with schoolchildren on the topics “Eco-professions and“ Biodiversity ”; • a general cleaning was carried out in the visit centers of the Baikal Reserve; • benches made of timber for the observation deck were made and installed - 2 pcs .; • junipers in the territory of the Baikal Reserve are covered with covering material (from sunlight); • scanning of the archive of the environmental scientist, Baikal researcher Oleg Gusev in the Baikal Reserve has begun; • assistance was provided in the conduct of village events (the “Blue Ice” music festival, Shrovetide celebrations) in the village of Khuzhir on the island of Olkhon; • Assistance was provided to local artists in a wall painting project at Khuzhir Junior School; • assistance was provided with logging in the estate of Nikita Bencharov. We continue with the hottest time - sometimes the summer BBT projects, of which as many as 18 were carried out in 2019 (along with 2-day and 3-day special projects for students “Path to Peschanaya Bay” in June). And the work was carried out colossal! So, our results at the end of the summer season 2019: • 2060 meters of a new trail were built; • 3748 meters of the existing trail were reconstructed; • 21,300 m of the existing path were cleared; • 6 turnpikes were built; • a gateway was built in marshy areas - 52 m; • steps are folded - 25 pieces; - built stairs - 1 piece; • 2 new bridges were built, 2 bridges affected by the flood were rebuilt; • built 5 fortification walls of stone and wood; • 1 observation deck was built on the trail; • 7 natural trails closed; • 16 information stands were installed + restoration of 1 existing; • garbage collected from the coast of Lake Baikal - about 30 bags; • built 1 bin for separate collection of garbage. The season ended with 3 autumn projects, which pleased us with warm weather, which allowed us to work productively! Here is what has been achieved over the past September: • cleaning and repair of 3 springs; • work began on the removal of rock inscriptions in the Circum-Baikal Railway. These are the brightest numbers to be proud of! As you can see, a lot of attention this year was paid not at all to the construction of new meters, but to the return to old places and the repair of existing paths. This trend will continue for the next project year: the season has shown that it is time to return to the already beloved trails and take care of them. For more than a dozen seasons, they helped travelers open new horizons and acquaint them with the principles of an environmentally responsible attitude to tourism. All volunteer camps were held as part of the program “Preserving Nature, Working for People”, implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
2019-10-04 21:02 Projects Education