
The Northern Trails project has completed

The Northern Trails project has ended, and volunteers from Russia, Belarus, Holland, the Czech Republic and the UK are leaving — who is home and who is further across the expanses of Russia. For 14 days, the guys cleared and marked 16 kilometers of the trail - not so simple, but special! This section leads to the very first BBT trail, passing from the suburbs of Severobaikalsk through a picturesque mountain stream, Slyudyansk lakes and untouched forests. The updated trail will begin in the area where the village of Tyya was once located - where volunteers equipped a convenient staircase. The group also installed 4 information boards that tell about the benefits of the trails and remind you of how to protect the forest. In between work, the guys went to the hot springs in Khakusy, went hiking on the Slyudyanka River and sunbathed on a beautiful sandy beach. We thank all the volunteers for their important contribution to the conservation of the nature of Lake Baikal and look forward to the next projects! The volunteer camp was held as part of the project “We Preserve Nature, Working for People,” which is being implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
2019-08-23 19:57 Projects