
BBT Experience Transfer to the Republic of Khakassia Completed

The course was attended by 3 people from the State Treasury Institution of the Republic of Khakassia "Directorate for Protected Areas of the Republic of Khakassia." The program of the short adapted course “Initial training of specialists in the construction and reconstruction of paths and working with volunteers” includes an introduction to ecotourism and covers topics such as technologies for building paths, an interaction algorithm for arranging paths, organizing and conducting volunteer projects, the contents of the team leader’s folder, psychology leadership, tools and safety rules when working with them, interpretation of natural and cultural heritage. The program is designed for protected area staff, representatives of public organizations working with volunteers, and local eco-activists. This trip was a great addition to the program of BBT experience transfer to 6 regions of the country (in the spring it was: the Republic of Bashkiria, Trans-Baikal Territory, Novgorod Region, in the fall in the plan: Republic of Crimea, Arkhangelsk and Kostroma Regions), carried out this year as part of the project “Save nature, working for people ", which is implemented using a grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund. During their stay in Khakassia, with the support of specialists from the Republican Directorate of Protected Areas, the BBT team inspected the Uytag regional nature monument (western and eastern ranges), where they helped to carry out exploration and marking of the future trail. We combined the excursion with exploration in the Khakassky reserve on the Oglakhty ridge, appreciated the prospects of a walking trekking route deep into the natural complex, and, of course, examined the famous staircase with a length of almost 1000 steps, from which a beautiful view of the steppes and the Krasnoyarsk reservoir opens. BBT team leaders gave their recommendations on arranging a nature excursion trail. Shortly before departure, our representatives met with the Minister of Culture of the Republic Leonid V. Eremin, talked about the activities of the BBT Association, shared their expert opinion on the arrangement of the trail in Uytag. A presentation of the BBT (in front of activists and intelligentsia of the city of Abakan) was held on the territory of the Republican Museum and Cultural Complex with the support of the Tourist Information Center of Khakassia, our experts also gave interviews to local television. We thank the Directorate of Regional Protected Areas of Khakassia for the invitation and a warm friendly welcome! We wish them the rapid development of the project to create the trail and look forward to working together on its implementation next year!
2019-07-25 16:54 Education