
Rotary Club visiting BBT

Today at the office of the BBT Association in Irkutsk we met and watered wonderful guests - representatives of the Russian Rotary Club and foreign representatives of Rotary International. At the very beginning of the BBT activity, this club of sponsors supported our organization and helped to acquire tools and equipment for projects, and also organized the arrival of the remarkable expert in tropology Dave Bren from Alaska, who significantly helped the BTT pioneers to master the topic of tropology. You can familiarize yourself with the history of the creation of the BBT project on our website. Reference: Rotary International is an association of Rotary Clubs worldwide. Rotary clubs are non-religious and non-political charitable organizations that are open to all, regardless of nationality, race, religion, or political opinion. There are over 32,000 clubs with more than 1.2 million members worldwide. Members of the Rotary Club are called Rotarians. According to the organization’s documents, its main goal is to bring together professionals and businessmen to carry out humanitarian projects, develop high ethical standards in the professional field and help establish peace and goodwill throughout the world.
2019-09-11 20:27 Education