
Reporting autumn workshop in Irkutsk

An autumn meeting with GBT in Irkutsk took place - the final reporting seminar “The Great Baikal Trail: Effective Volunteering, Transfer of Experience, New Projects” as part of the project “We Save Nature, Working for People”, which is being implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil a company provided by the Presidential Grants Fund. It was very nice to see friends, partners and GBT volunteers, 58 people took part in the event. - One of the founders of the GBT and her first leader, Ariadna Reida, took the welcoming speech. - President of the GBT Association Elena Chubakova shared our successes at the federal level, about our interaction with ASI, about our victory in the competition for grants of “Silver Volunteering”, about our participation in the final of the competition “Volunteers of Russia”. - The representative of En + Group, Daria Musikhina, spoke about the importance of cooperation and about our successful joint work in organizing and conducting the environmental volunteer campaign “360”. - Representatives of the Siberian Association of Interpretation Elena Weber, Anna Ogorodnikova and Varvara Koneva presented the first translation of the book on tropostroeniya “Lightly on the land” by the master of tropostroika and friend of GBT Bob Birkby, which is called “Barely touching the ground” in the Russian edition, as well as talked about new learning opportunities at the Department of Translation Studies at Irkutsk State University. - Natalia Tugutkhonova, head of the department for working with volunteers, told about the results of the work of the GBT for 2019. - Roman Mikhailov, the head of the Development and Public Relations Department, spoke about the results of the transfer of GBT experience to 7 regions of the Russian Federation and Moldova, as well as the work of the GBT Hostel. - GBT Executive Director Eleanor Yeryomchenko shared information about our work on the 2019 presidential grant, and also talked about the planned work on the 2020 grant. - In conclusion, the official part was the so-called “Free Microphone”. We thank for the warm and sincere words of the GBT volunteers, friends and partners: Konstantin Alekseev, Tatyana Vladimirovna Klepikova, Deputy Director for Environmental Education and Cognitive Tourism of the Baikal State Nature Reserve Irina Viktorovna Lyasota, Head of the Department of Environmental Education of Zapovednoye Pribaykadyaniy Dobanalyan Davylanov and Svetlana Dobanalyaniy Davyanova; Tatyana Kalikhman from the Institute of Geography SB RAS. In the unofficial part of our guests, there was a buffet with delicious cakes and fruits, as well as a film screening: a video about working on the GBT autumn project to remove rock inscriptions and a new big film about the GBT activity, shot this year with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund.
2019-11-11 22:09 Projects Education