
BBT at the Volunteer Firefighters Forum.

On 5–9 August, an international forum of voluntary fire and rescue units and fire brigades takes place in Irkutsk. The purpose of the forum: the development and formation of a voluntary fire community. The organizers invited us to tell our experience in educating leaders. BBT Association employee and team leader Roman Mikhailov on August 6 and 7 delivered a training, the main blocks of which were: Leader courses - relevance and specificity Growth and Skill Prospects Psychological and leadership training of the team leader Values ​​and qualities of a person, knowledge and skills of a leader The forum takes place on the territory of the training site of the Ministry of Emergencies at ul. Barricade 42/5. Organizers: Battery WPC and Youth Fire and Rescue Units of the Irkutsk Region. With the support of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the Irkutsk Region.