
Transfer of experience to Crimea

BBT experience transfer courses in Crimea have ended! More precisely, in Sevastopol, where our delegation was received from October 21 to 27 by the Sevastopol branch of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov. It was nice to chat with colleagues who are equipping the BST - the Great Sevastopol Trail! BBT experts shared invaluable knowledge in the field of ecotourism development, working with volunteers and arranging trails. BST instructors, the Sevastopol Tourism Development Center, the Sevastopol Tourists Club, employees and students of the Moscow State University Branch in Sevastopol and everyone who attended the theoretical training course and received certificates of specialists in the construction and reconstruction of paths and working with volunteers. Separately, it was pleasant to visit and test the route “Via Ferrata Delikli-Burun - Ilyas-Kaya” - this is a mountain route equipped with special metal structures, on which brackets, stairs, pins, chains, cables are installed to help overcome the rocky terrain. All this makes it possible for a fairly wide circle of people to climb without having a great mountain experience. "Via Ferrata Delikli-Burun - Ilyas Kaya" is the most popular and beautiful route of this class in the Crimea. But do not confuse this class of routes with climbing and mountain climbing. In Via Ferrata, the emphasis is on speed and safety of movement on a rock, due to the equipment of the route with artificial “hooks” under the arms and legs. At the same time, you do not have to be a first-rate athlete-climber to complete the climb. It is enough to have a desire, the necessary minimum equipment, and the skills to use it. We thank colleagues for inviting and organizing the event! The courses were held using a grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.
2019-10-30 21:55 Education